You know what they say, nothing like a bit of friendly competition. When it comes to sports, sibling rivalry can have a variety of positive effects. Sharing an activity with a sibling can help to grow the relationship. Plus, having a sibling to share a sport with, can inspire both to lead a more healthy and active lifestyle. Here are some easy tips to help you handle competitive siblings on and off the field.
Focus on each child individually. Sibling rivalry is normal when children are close in age or of the same gender, therefore it’s important to treat each child’s interest with the same level of support and encouragement. Focus on each child’s strengths. Try not to make comparisons between children as it can lead to unhealthy competition.
Stay positive. Encouraging siblings to feel proud of each other’s achievements will make them better players. Praise your children when they play well together. This sort of positive attention will help them to continue to be supportive of one another.
Concentrate on efforts not outcomes. Not all children will become soccer stars or Olympic athletes. Acknowledge the effort each child puts forth on the field and the progress they make toward their individual goals. If both children are participating in a healthy active lifestyle, everyone wins.
Soccajoeys non-competitive and non-elite Preschool and Junior soccer programs are a great way for siblings to experience the joys of the world’s most popular sport.