Organised sport is a great way to get your child healthy and active, but sometimes it’s hard to know when is the right time to begin. Coach Steve from Soccajoeys Wollongong says it’s something they’re asked a lot, “how early is too early?” Coach Steve says the only response he can really give is, “when your child is ready.” Soccajoeys offers classes to range of ages, the Preschool Program caters to children 3-5 and the Junior Program caters to children 6-8.
It’s important to remember two things when it comes to getting your child involved in organised sport and kids health in general. First, it’s a great vessel to make sure your child is getting the right amount of daily exercise. Organised sport from a young age helps kids develop healthy lifestyle habits while teaching the importance of cooperation and team building. Second, organised sport should be fun! Soccajoeys focuses on providing a nurturing, fun and non-competitive environment where kids can improve their self-confidence and self-esteem. And remember, if kids enjoy what they’re doing, they’re much more likely to keep doing it!